cannot have children due to fertility problems
<→CAN'T have children due to fertility problems>
can't have children due to fertility problems
: 受胎{じゅたい}[妊娠{にんしん}?受精{じゅせい}]能力{のうりょく}の問題{もんだい}で子どもができない
cannot have children
decreased fertility due to excessive interbreeding
: 度重{たびかさ}なる近親交配{きんしん こうはいの}による繁殖力{はんしょく りょく}の低下{ていか}
educational problems of children who have returned from abroad
: 帰国子女の教育問題
cannot attend due to a cold
due to some scheduling problems
: スケジュールに少し問題があるので
hospitalized due to heart problems
: 《be ~》心臓{しんぞう}が悪く入院{にゅういん}している
cannot interact with the other children
acquainted with children's problems
: 《be ~》子どもの問題{もんだい}に精通{せいつう}している
have problems with
: {1} : ~に問題{もんだい}がある -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~に異存{いぞん}がある、~に同意{どうい}できない、~に納得{なっとく}がいかない、~を受け入れられない We have problems with any new taxes.
have children
: 子どもができる、子どもを産む
business insolvency due to liquidity problems
: business insolvency due to liquidity problems 黒字倒産 くろじとうさん
jettison employees due to financial problems
: 財政的{ざいせいてき}な問題{もんだい}で従業員{じゅうぎょういん}を解雇{かいこ}する
have no desire to have children
: 子どもをつくる気はない、子どもは欲しくない
: fertility n. 豊饒(ほうじょう), 肥沃(ひよく); 産出力, 生殖力. 【動詞+】 increase the fertility of the soil 土壌の産出力を高める Proper nutrition may increase a woman's fertility. 適正な栄養を摂取すれば女性の生殖力を高められる. 【形容詞 名詞+】
"cannot handle liquor" 意味
"cannot handle spicy food" 意味
"cannot handle the pressure" 意味
"cannot have children" 意味
"cannot have it both ways" 意味
"cannot have much hope for" 意味
"cannot hear" 意味
"cannot help doing" 意味
"cannot have children" 意味
"cannot have it both ways" 意味
"cannot have much hope for" 意味
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